Uncle's clothes
I was talking to Claudia about politics, and she told me she has a somewhat famous uncle. She said he held a very high-ranking position of authority in the country and was involved in a significant event at the United Nations in New York. Upon returning to the country, her uncle went on a tour of all the television channels to explain this notable participation and Bolivia's plans on the international stage.
All the relatives were attentive to each intervention; no one cared much about the topic, only that one of their own was on TV. The problem is that, on the third show, her sister Julieta said, "Hey! Someone tell him to buy another jacket; he's wearing the same clothes on all channels. What will people say?"
Until that point, no one had noticed the problem, which only grew and grew. No one could see the uncle's face anymore, nor did they listen to him; all the attention was on the same blue corduroy jacket. Also, no one wanted to seem superficial. After all, the uncle was busy with the abstract destinies of our homeland and surely didn't have time to think about his clothing.
Julieta decided to tackle the issue head-on and told him directly to buy a new jacket. But it seems that the intervention in New York wasn't very fruitful, and a few days later, the uncle was out of a job. Eventually, the matter became a family joke that was closed at Christmas when he received four different jackets as gifts.
Despite my insistence, Claudia refuses to tell me her blessed uncle's name. Now I think her whole story is just a metaphor; I'll see her soon, just in case, I'll wear new clothes.